The True value of these scarves lies not in the expensive yarn but in the concentration, time and effort that went into them. Crochet is second nature to me but knitting remains a challenge. So knitting this simple lace scarf pattern was a real labour of love. A good knitter would probably have made hundreds in the time I made one....but hey, it's the thought that counts! The pattern I used can be found on ravelry as 'the one row lace scarf, by Turvid.
Want to see the result??
The bridesmaid also got some thankyou scarves. This time crocheted with a thicker silk. I chose two patterns from a stitch dictionary and repeated as necessary
Can you see them on the right? The thicker silk drapes really well.
Here's a closer look at the stitch patterns
And all four jumbled up together. The colours make quite a pleasing sight ;-)
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