So what is needed?? A beak and eyes? Wings? definitely some accessories! Here they are the finished pair
The wings of the bride however divided opinion. I liked the heart yo-yo made from the bridesmaid fabric, my sister who got a sneak peak preferred the simpler grooms wings…only one thing for it…ask the bride!!
Here’s a look at the original wings. A mauve heart yo-yo backed with some pewter net.
The bride preferred the simpler version too. So the yo-yo wings were snipped off. Even better she had a few more fabric samples. A snippet from her dress which was being altered and the embroidered net which was also part of the bridesmaid dress. I think it is the perfect combination and I am so happy with the result. What do you think?? what do you prefer?
The tiara is just some beading wire crocheted into a headband shape and then some more wire twisted with some beads into a bow shape to hopefully echo the one that the bride will wear. If I get a photo of them on top of the cake then I’ll show you!"!
OOOH !!! - Go over to Cake by Beths facebook and you can see a pic of the final cake here!!
(P.s If you are impressed by her cakes can you press the like button for her page? )
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